F242 is operative again


Dear readers,

Here is an update about F242 written by Laureti in the latest issue of ASPS official periodical Nova Astronautica:

The PNN prototype F242 is operative again. I’ve tested it several times in late 2016 and that’s why there is a consistently delay in the publication of Nova Astronautica issue n.150.

Practically I’ve had to completely rebuild the prototype (coating included). As some parts have fused I’ve had to avoid at the best of my possibilities that this problem could happen again. I first tried to decrease the operational frequency (hence losing time), so I could use the instruments that don’t work at higher frequencies (and I don’t even know if high frequency versions exist). I also had to change again the structure of the ballistic pendulum, a substitution that made me lose months of work.

January 9th update:

some more details about the problems Laureti encountered with F242.

I [Laureti] had, or better I tried, to avoid malfunctions due to overheating/radiation.. that is by changing the position of internal devices. In each demonstrative experiment I also have to use on a precautionary basis a chronometer to stop the power source in order to avoid further thermal malfunctions.

Unfortunately F242 thermal dissipation is only passive.. however it can function longer with lower power supplies. The problem of thermal dissipation is a thorn in my side! It must be done with precise tuning for not being lumbering.. maybe with thermal fluid heat exchangers and cooling radiators that are outside my engineering skills..

It’s a bit like creating a combustion engine without a radiator. 

Unfortunately what could be done in weeks with ASPS humble resources it takes months if not years! While I was talking with some ASPS participants I restated my aim: a patent application contextual to the commercialization, as explained in the first part of this old link [English translation here – E.N]

I take for granted that operative [1] PNN patent will be copied at the speed of light with some variant (I’ve got 4 PNN variants based on the same principle) and that the only thing the patent is useful for is to have the priority of the idea and a good advertising at international level, if only to collaborate with a company that can provide the means to start selling prototypes competitive with ion propulsion.

The current F242 at the equal amount of used energy is at least 7/8 times more efficient than EmDrive. In quantitative terms – as in the latest Nasa test it has been detected a thrust about 120 milligrams per kilowatt – with F242 we are at about 1 gram of thrust at 1300 W. Measurements obviously made with the means I’ve got and which I would like to verify also through the void chambers where ion engines thrusts are measured.

To our past financier I’ve already said that we should create an Srl [Italian equivalent of Ltd – E.N] to sell PNN prototypes in competition with EmDrive and ion propulsion.In this regard I can rent a warehouse (I’m in part owner) to create something in small yet lethal in comparison with the “arthritic” state of the art of rocket propulsion.

Obviously everything comes after incontrovertible experimental demonstrations, both with my means and with those due to possible financiers, that I’m not looking for resources with the methodology put in place by Andrea Rossi for the E-Cat.

As I also say in this issue [of Nova Astronautica E.N] unfortunately I haven’t got anymore the laboratory located in a fraction of the town of Amatrice. The lab is seriously damaged after the earthquake of October 30th 2016 and in need of repairs, for which one says Italian State should provide. In order to organize new tests, at no cost for each counterpart potentially willing to finance and not time-wasters, I need at least 5-6 weeks to prepare everything.

Now in addition to those who want me to conquer Mars with Asps very scarce financial resources there are also those who have arbitrarily conferred me the principle that I deliver for free the know-how of PNN always by 2017. 🙂
Given the above statement on Ocasapiens (Sylvie Coyaud) [a blog of scientific divulgation belonging to an Italian newspaper – E.N] one can read:

Let’s hope (Ocasapiens writes) that Laureti keeps his promise (know-how disclosure). Are you well on track for Mars mission launch? Because 2017 is near.

That forced me to repeat for the umpteenth time: PNN is not for free. If it works you pay.. if one searches for the appropriation at zero cost because mankind asks for it or Santa Claus, the Pope, Europe or Ocasapiens then go back to trust in rocket propulsion or in the “bowl” (EmDrive) 🙂

[From: http://ocasapiens-dweb.blogautore.repubblica.it/2016/11/29/bugie-maledette-bugie-e-statistiche-cont/ in Italian- E.N]

For those who find natural and acceptable the misappropriation of my research in ASPS we already have a striking example:

years ago a physicist from University of Pisa  informed me that two Japanese had seized a patent of mine and also republished it in their name with an article… all is documented in Nova Astronautica [pag.1- 13 Nova Astronautica Vol.30 124 April May June 2010] accessible to the public in Florence (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale). Their article was filled with pedantic mathematics which had the virtue of making everything as less comprehensible as possible . 🙂

Now since 2014 they also ask for money for it as one can read at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/%28SICI%291520-6432%28200004%2983:4%3C31::AID-ECJB4%3E3.0.CO;2-B/abstract

As I’ve always said and repeated: They’ve copied badly because they havent copied and experimented everything.


  1. As you can read here PNN public know-how is deliberately wrong

2 thoughts on “F242 is operative again

    1. Hi Mihai, thank you for your suggestion.

      Yes it could be useful and it’s actually quite cheap. The only problem is that it requires a lot of current. That might negatively interact with PNN em field. However I think that if conveniently shielded it could be an interesting solution for the future.
      For the moment F242 must be reliable for a roadshow, so without further components which can generate unexpected events.


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